A little jataka
A little something to say, a little something to do.. all there is is but a story to liven through. The tree of life swayed in all its glory. Time was still far far away to begin and the norse god's were yet to come back to its shade. A leaf, at the end of its journey in that form took flight. All it say we saw, all it heard we heard, for that leaf became history and it remained free of any bias as they were as it recorded things as they are. The breeze blew , soft and gentle at times and stormy while another. Each time the breeze took the leaf to a new perspective to see and new circumstances to feel. The leaf settled on a piece of still water. Two microbes , more single cell were talking to eachother. For starters, the conversation was more of evolving into multi cell organisms than achieving greatness. While this happened all that was was just a constant hum of thoughts exchanged. While one kept constantly asking about how, when and where and the if and but flew faster than ...