Stammers, one in anger
To the simmering wasteful awakening
Of joys and pleasures lost
Of the rightful wrong and the wrongful wrong
All one does is stammer and seethe through the same
Stammers, other choked in emotion
Emotions found where one always finds them
In the joy of being content
In the joy of being oneself,
All one does is stammer and emote through the same
Stammers, one in joy
Joys found in one and all souls
Found in the gift of giving
Lived in the joy of being
All one does is stammer and be joyous through the same
Stammers, other living just life
One moment high, the other miserable
All angers, joy and emotion manage to find reason
But, living in the present asks for a reasoning
All one does is what one always does , stammer through life...
Exulting and stammering may all look at life
Tis in the stammering moments that life lived and passed
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