A little jataka
A little something to say, a little something to do.. all there is is but a story to liven through.
The tree of life swayed in all its glory. Time was still far far away to begin and the norse god's were yet to come back to its shade. A leaf, at the end of its journey in that form took flight. All it say we saw, all it heard we heard, for that leaf became history and it remained free of any bias as they were as it recorded things as they are.
The breeze blew , soft and gentle at times and stormy while another. Each time the breeze took the leaf to a new perspective to see and new circumstances to feel.
The leaf settled on a piece of still water. Two microbes , more single cell were talking to eachother. For starters, the conversation was more of evolving into multi cell organisms than achieving greatness. While this happened all that was was just a constant hum of thoughts exchanged. While one kept constantly asking about how, when and where and the if and but flew faster than the change of cells. Yet the other led the change.. silent, resolute and a lot more strong than it seemed on the surface
The breeze was gathering up some steam. It continued to take the lead further beyond in time. This time the leaf landed on a shrub. The microbials had grown out to be a complex creatures. Yet while intelligence was far away, the relationship continued. Wagging tails and brute strength apart they went on to live lives with more contentment than meaning.
Breeze moved and the animals moved on their own ways. The leaf landed on a tree, full of sweet scented flows and much peace than a long time ago. The microbials apart, norse mythologies had come and gone ahead as well. Much much later the leaf now had just settled on a tree and a world thought to be a utopia. A utopia missing much if it's inhabitants. Hubris had bottom the most of them, getting life in its infinite wisdom persisted.
It was a lucid dream, or otherwise.. but the leaf had a tale unfold which got life in full circle for it.
Jataka tales were the enlightened one came by and had pearls of wisdom shared with the universe suffering through the tools of daily living. What connection did it have to the norse mythology or Valhalla one knew not. Yet, one once became stoic and went on to have an experience to realise life through the eye of an enlightened ones play.
A golden deer with a lot of energy and stoical silence. She barely ate, barely spoke. This is a Jataka tales, yes, animals are intelligent and they speak.
A tortoise much aged and old came upon a pond where the deer was resting after a long long sprint across the wide open grasslands. Time was kind and the food bountiful, yet one question haunted her. What is the wisdom that eluded her. Wisdom not of the gods or humans, but what was wisdom overall.
The tortoise, presently came up slowly to the pond and rested its weary shell and eyes. A conversation ensued between the two.
The deer mentioned the frugality of living and all that there was until life moved on for a higher purpose. Yet, in her voice there was a slight thought that betrayed the quest of her years of waiting for wisdom, wisdom that would let her be in peace. Peace which eluded her long and was like a burning hole through a unknown void. Much had Freiya wept for the state of the world and had had no means to change it. Or so she thought.
The tortoise, took a breath, and another and heard out freiya's story. A story of being there for the world and yet not knowing about it. The tortoise and the deer spoke in silenvpce for long and at last the tortoise asked this..
Do you sense a very sweet pungent smell all around you wherever you go.
Yes, but how is that to answer my question of wisdom.
It soon shall be answered, but do tell me do you smell the sweet pungent smell
Yes, yes I do
And what affect does it have on flowering plants which are afraid of even butterflies taking their honey.
They bloom, and bloom bright. Where are you going with this and where is the wisdom part of things.
In a moment deer, in a moment. Do you realise where this pungent musk eminates from. Do you know not of its source.
No, no I do not know, yet much have I traveled with no avail to answer that and wisdom is all the more lacking of it.
Dear, dear deer.. let go of the worry for a moment and see yourself, for what you seek and exhibit is all but within you. The musk eminates from you, for take not my word for it but look at yourself in detail. And for the wisdom that he seeks look no further than within.
I do not understand when you say to look within. Do you mean by bodily organs for I have analysed then multiple times. And yes, I realise now of the musk, yet know not its purpose.
Deer my dear.. let the mask fall off of your beautifully crafted life is a choice you make of yourself. You may live and love through life with one question. Or, know the root of all things and live the rest of the life through the lens of a life with no defined purpose. For the life once known does not get back to the unknown.
The deer had lived long enough to realise the gravity of the words spoken to it. It took its time, and thus spoke to the tortoise.. thank you for teaching me the beauty of living in realising the beauty of the unknown than the monotony of the known..
No my dear, that stoic cell to now musky deer, it is thy wisdom that drives you to live your life, not knowing too is a form of knowing and you taught me that..
But how??
That, said the tortoise, is the beauty of the unknown for you to explore in your infinite wisdom.
The deer, puzzled yet placated, started living its life...
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