Whatʼs to lose... fool

Whatʼs to lose
Whatʼs to lose in smiling and in crying
Whatʼs to lose in giving and giving more
Whatʼs to lose in gaining the
Whatʼs to lose in losing a non fought battle
Whatʼs to lose in living a life of choice
Whatʼs to lose in changing the course of life
Whatʼs to lose if life moves on
Whatʼs to lose if people give up
Whatʼs to lose if people give in
Whatʼs to lose,
Whatʼs to lose in any aspect
Whatʼs to lose to the wise or to the fool
Perspectives and perceptions play their shadowy games
Stuck in the middle are souls thinking whatʼs to lose
Smile- true from the heart
Smile at the adversities and adorations of the world
Smile at yourself before smiling at one other
Whatʼs to lose if you smile
Either youʼve a happy fool or a mad fool
Yet remain a fool for the eye of the beholder


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