
Showing posts from March, 2017


“Time to hit the sack young-ling” but no, i do not want to, all i want to do is just chill. Hence hit the sack concept, that is how your body chills But, what of my beautiful mind, and that soul thing that you keep talking about Well, am neither your parent, nor our teacher, but it is pertinent to know that the sack re-energizes all things They went about with the fiddling and arranging things for the next day. School in itself was a big chore , however, the additional chore of sleep was just as much replenishing for one as it was repugnant for the other. The children, as much as they were considered children, remained within the confines of the room. Relaxed and asleep they always had impressive acts to conduct everyday. Reading being one of them. That apart the geography of the school always let one to find a new instance and new creature everyday. Morning, came with its nice new spirit. A fresh morning, early morning dew spread itself across the leagues and league...

Awake.. sleepy head.

Sun rise and sun set, all began and ended the same , Lame or lime, the food was still consumed the same Enter and exit, applications or doors, life was still the same Engraved on hearts or on digital libraries, the files remained the same Pay or procure life across, free thought remains the same Young remains the heart, for it always remains the same Head first did life continue, for the same always changes Enterprising lives and inspiring individuals, never remain and always changes A moment taken to realize all that changes is a learning Day in and day out, all that is is a sleepy head, always awakening