Arise- a thousand splendid Suns

Splendid suns, a thousands splendid Suns,
The metaphor stands abused, each time there is a meet,
One globe in a sun glove,
Yet, metaphorically humans and their deeds flow a thousands times better,

A sun in its abundance is a bit too hot for the globe,
Yet thousands live reminding us to revel
In glories, a thousand times bright,
What drives greatness or humility is lives liven
Yet for all the glories achieved or lost in translation you are but human

Human, dear lost soul, find your self,
Find your soul and move on in life than pursuing goals limited to one lifetime,
Awake from your slumber, of deeds and actions not done for others,
Also yet to think that tatvam asi

Arise awake and ask not who woke you up
For today you are awoken
Tomorrow you shall awake a generation
A generation to live and extoll the glories that is but- a thousands times brighter than the sun!!


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