Pandafied part 2 of 2

The eyes opened. The air conditioned bus was now stopping at another road signal.

The boy looked out, saw nothing, arching his neck to the other side the boy took in the scene playing out.

A bakery at the corner of the road, well surrounded by people of all surroundings. The corporate tea drinkers to the regular coffee and veg puff buyers, the bakery was filled with customers. Not withstanding, dogs frequented the bakery too..

It was about mid day, the dogs had gone off to rest their weary tired bodies in the shade. "The employees", well they had their own work, ever non tiring and ever impulsive, were found in the middle of their animated conversation from the break that they squeezed in between work. Holding onto  their favourite beverage when not indulging in their nicotine dosages, the passive ones however, were stuck for they were inhaling most of the nicotine and the conversation was universally personal.

The employees started to buy their usual round of refreshments at the bakery. The batch was fresh one as the bakery had just been delivered their fresh set of bakery produce from the confectioner.. The various cakes, pastries and puffs were just there to be plucked and eaten like a fresh apple 🍎 on a mid summer afternoon.

A well covered employee- exercise for a majority of them was just mental in nature, ordered a fresh confectionary and waited for it to be heated. Bakeries had a very neat way of heating things up in the oven before the customer was fed their produce..

While that was being done, a street urchin stepped next to the employee and made a plea. A plea for food and the hunger pangs of the underfed. The urchin had a neat set of ragged jeans, t- shirt with graffiti soiled just enough to make it look like a street urchin type and a small infant hanging on the side as if a loose college bag with a empty wallet and a pen.

The employee had seen a fair share of street urchin, yet, in this case their eyes met each other. Well aware that the urchin's lies were quite evident, the employee paid for the confectionary, dragged the product from the desk and put it in the hand of the urchin. Taking one last look at the urchin and the infant dangling with ease the employee turned around and walked away. Never once looking back, the urchin, convinced of the act, turned back with the food in hand...

The eyes closed again and time was back again starting at himself in the mirror. The mop of hair seemed to be set right and the conversation continued...

The wink this time opened time to a place of strange proportions, a park right next to a bustling market place. Not to be out done the park also housed animal reserve.... Circus and animal rearing practices which were unheard of were released of their money making assets.

The animals were interesting indeed, A panda-used as a bear blessing charms for good luck and removal of fear across streets.

A horse- young mix breed used for joy rides in the beaches of a popular tourist beach town.

A camel- used for joy rides across the hard tar roads of the city and with splintered feet..

Almost from these a bunch of monkeys city monkeys that lived on diet colas and samosas. Cats, dogs and a few  serpents..

The boy time sat there, lost in time, capable of hearing conversations of both the animals and their human conservators.

The boy time sat at the bench closest to the panda enclosure. Thought only for their cuteness this self believed overgrown koala bear had intuitive eyes. Deep dark circles and loved taking swims.

Contemplative eyes thought and said everything that need not be judged or interpreted. The deep dark circles were proud enough of just that. Deep dark circles that went way beyond the cute factor and held at far the truth of being more than what was perceived at face value.

The conservator at the end of the panda's enclosure saw the panda and went about their work. Talking to each other:

"can you capture the essence of a fresh cut grass in a bottle?"

"how about the smell of the beautiful flowers without the price of those deo's and perfumes?"

" can humanity survive like animals?"

The sound of a guava vendor hawking his goods distracted them and the conversation immediately went to...

You want it with the slices chilli powder or just plain one. That man fleeces is in name of profit... Hope the government brings about  fines for overpriced guavas..

Don't you think street vendors are just making a living on that profit..t

Will I don't care, I voted, I want the government to make generations of systemic degradation disappear in days.. My vote has to count for everything..

What degradation.. We are somewhere than nowhere.. and moving..

Ok I don't know numbers, Al I know is I voted, and I need my problems to disappear instantly.

But, but.

"No buts, now with spicy chilli powder or just guava."

The panda thought watching all this.. What do these creatures swarming the grounds think and talk... For all the talk I have heard and learnt of their language they want everyone but themself to do them  a favor.

I used to fend for myself eat and live in the 'wild' as they call it. Eat, pray, live and love.... Yet all they see me is as an bearish animal. Thinking thus, the cell eyes got lost again in translation.

Time heard and typical to time moved along....


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