Thoughts of the beholder

A smile happened, out of the blue,
A laughter pealing through the darkness of grief,
Beckoning life to begin,
Calling forth its true purpose,
Demanding were the thoughts within,
Entire  life forsaken had to be reclaimed,

For life was lost in the squabbles and jams, in providing for and taking care off..
Giving in had been a practise
Held within were all the pain and grief
In the eyes of the beholder played out the image,
"Just enough" was all that had to be told to oneself,

Kill, kill, kill the ignorance within,
Life, Love and patience are for those who matter,
Many are those who have stomped, chomped, and skewered the meat of my life,
Not anymore, for they do not own me, nor my body and least.. my soul,
Of all the lives worth living, my life is mine and not of any one else
Pulled away from living it was but a mere shadow it was once
Questioning, pursuing and prodding on the words and confirmation of should other were none too different

Rest assured, thoughts of the beholder matter no longer,
Souls are but the slices of the same branch
Tamed and tested in the visions of earthly living
Universality or individuality, all that is and its not  belongs to THE ONE
Virility of thought and actions take precedence over trivial bravado,
Waiting and waiting for breaking out across centuries of thoughts,
Xenophobic thoughts and the voices of the society,
Yelling for norms that it itself changes over time,
Zealot minds or thoughts may try as they mind- for THE ONE and I are but one and the same- FREE


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