Vruksha- continued
The hype surrounding the story of Vruksha was in fact the reality of its humility. When the mist cleared after the INCIDENT all that remained was just a tiny sapling sprouting from an earth ravaged with corruption and greed. Yet, the sapling began to be what a romantic would call, the breath of life. It began to raise its head, with all of its three tiny leaves freshly coloured thanks to the dew drops of the fresh rain from the sky after a gap of nearly 10 long years. The time is 2025 and the day is December 25. The earth still stands and the world is still shocked thanks to the INCIDENT. It was not the end of the world. It was not the apocalypse as was predicted from 2012. It was a beginning, a new turn of events in the page of the destined history. A beginning that would lead to a fateful day in 2025 when the world realised that harmony was more than just a word. That the word brotherhood and PEACE could be just as effectie, yet strangely violent as the words WAR and a WARHEAD would...