
Showing posts from January, 2016

dirt, dirt and more dirt

Dirt, dirt and more dirt Filled in homes and in minds Dirt, dirt and more dirt Filled up in thoughts and in deeds Dirt, dirt and more dirt Shed from us and within, Dirt, dirt and more dirt Cleaned up it gets only when thought is stopped Dirt, dirt and more dirt The more it's cleaned the more its shed Dirt, dirt and more dirt Realizing it is but the only means Dirt, dirt and more dirt Layers and layers all but lay in wait for thoughts to subvert.  

'I', Cloaks and Life

Broken reed, broken backs and broken souls All that are broken were once whole Newer horizons await, for broken Is but a new beginning… Here, there, n o w h e r e or anywhere, Souls outlive your cloaks worn upon oneself Cloaks of flesh, mass and fatty nerves… What is left behind are but moments Moments, experienced in pain or pleasure.. Moments, not cloaks clothed in bones, The 'I' peeled away, far from within.. The 'I' pulled away, far without.. Saying is easier than done For 'I' is all but an illusion! Lives and moments, experienced all throughout Wear a smile on the cloak, nothing you do worthy to gloat. Content and withdrawn, life goes on, Break away the illusion & true life lives on..