
Showing posts from September, 2013

Another story 2/3

Sights and sound refilled, the journey continues. The second signal (yes, there are more signals than travel time), and more of the city's wonders present themselves to the boy, a corner side chaat shop, hard for him to look away, but given that the tummy was just full, the will over powered the gut, then again it was the set of buildings after the chaat shop that was interesting. A set of new sights awaited the eyes at the road corner, a building under construction reflecting the expansion of a local bank branch, another one of those small, but neat, chai wallah shops with a fancy name to tag along and a sale, sale of export quality garments at throw away prices, (wonder how they manage to sell and remain with surplus all the time). Now more than the sale and the bank and the more endearing chaat shop it was the other side that held a moment . No, it was not a greener side, but was an empty space, a plot of land with no garbage dumped in it. The children playing made ...

Restless minds

Disgust, despair and a lot of dejection, What is left but two inches of ivory, Sweet solace, in words and in deeds, Simple and elegant, yet potent within. Despicable, disdain and dreary may the life be, Living days in shadows of deaths around, The sweetness always marks to excite, Excite and invigorate for life to be loved, One more round, oh, one more round, The bout is not over, until the spirit runs below the ground


A song bereft, Nothing living, nothing lived Love is but all prevalent in my life Thoughts and deeds needing no warrant Sociality is dead and gone, nothing left than living it out, An animal, single and proud, Living and fighting for living life itself, Demons within, demons without, Loneliness is but one demonic scar, on the face void of emotions, Songs are sung in glory of nothing, Strings strung to tunes of ones own breath, Life may have its excitements, But a quiet life is all but lived within..