
Showing posts from August, 2013


Lost, in spaces smaller than an atom, A social being is the lost soul, Lying dormant and single than most carnal animals, Purpose and definition defined are they not, Until one applies their own heart to it, Living, breathing and dying, Are but monotonous until a goal is set, For living is not living, Unless lives loved for others is a goal unto oneself

Humane, yaaaa right

Humane, they say, Be human they say They say being human is what matters, But what happens is just the same A hope always crashed A prayer never answered An aspiration never fulfilled For man dreams always, Needing things more than one What is needed is not what is wanted What is wanted is never needed Man fulfills living when he does realize Life is loved and loved on needs and not on wants

Mindless ramblings

Sitting, does the Mind never do A physical sense disowned Wander in the depths of hell The meta physical journey begin Devils, monsters and demons sound and seem as toys For what is done is done and never complete, The Mind plays tricks worse than Lucifer The One is but always conceived as many Images flash and brighten the senses worn out, Tricks are awake as long as you are, Horrors are on playback that never fade away, Clutching onto thoughts past dead For all might seem mindless and worn out Ravaged and torn are the paths around. Wailing and crying and testing all apart The Soul is just to realise, mindless ramblings are just A trick Peace is found within when asked for not given when craved for.. Peace..